The Historic Pere Marquette was the first
building in Illlinois to receive the State and
Federal Historic tax credit. |
The Illinois Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program provides a state income tax credit equal to 25% of a project’s qualified expenditures to owners of certified historic structures located within River Edge Redevelopment Zones (Aurora, East St. Louis, Elgin, Rockford and soon Peoria) who undertake certified rehabilitations during the taxable year. For information on the current program, administered jointly by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) and the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency (IHPA), go to:www.illinoishistory.gov/PS/IHPATCP.HTM.
A 20% Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit is available for rehabilitating an income-producing building. This dollar-for-dollar Federal income tax credit equal to 20% of the construction costs may be used by the building owner or sold to a tax credit investor. The minimum investment is 100% of the building's "adjusted basis"; that is, the purchase price minus the land cost and depreciation, plus prior improvements. The building must be a certified historic structure. Tax Credit Projects PDF. To learn more …
A 10% Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit is available for rehabilitating an income-producing, non-residential building built before 1936. (This is NOT for properties listed on the National Register of Historic places or in local landmark districts). This dollar-for-dollar Federal income tax credit equal to 10% of the construction costs. The minimum investment is 100% of the building's "adjusted basis"; that is, the purchase price minus the land cost and depreciation, plus prior improvements. Use IRS form# 3468. To learn more …